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Fall Schedule Changes

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2024

Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on schedule survey. We are excited to launch a new test schedule starting Sept 9th. The schedule will be for the 6-week challenge, and we will reassess. These changes aim to help break through plateaus and reset routines during our 6-week Fall Challenge. You will see some classes removed (it may not be forever, so don’t panic), and some new ones pop up! Please trust me on this and give it a try. We want our live classes to be at the best possible times for you, so we have done our best to accommodate requests and provide variety. We always welcome your feedback and are open to hearing your thoughts. 

Please remember these changes will not begin until Sept 9th! See below for class descriptions.


Glutes & Core - a 40-min strength-based class focusing on building muscle and strengthening the glutes. We will be adding in more banded work to this class! Focus on lifting heavy and working hard. Sweat level 7/10

Upper Body - a 40-min strength-based class focusing on larger upper body muscle groups to improve posture and sculpt the back, shoulders and arms. Another heavier lift day! Sweat level 5/10

Core Pilates - our classic pilates class to help improve your core strength, mobility, alignment and posture. It is a fantastic class to strengthen and tone the core and a great option for an active rest day. Sweat level 2/10

Full Body - Power Leg Focused- as you can see, we have added another full body class, so while each one will target your full body, one will focus a little more on your lower and the other a little more on your arms. This class will blend strength and power training while focusing more on the legs to improve muscle tone and create a lean, strong body! Sweat level 8/10 

Sculpt & Flow - consider this class the PERFECT lighter-weight day when you are sore but still want to work out. A blend of barre, pilates, power yoga and stretch, this class will focus on smaller muscle groups and use booty bands, light dumbbells, and gliders (if you have). Take this class if you want something creative, fun, and a break from heavier weights in your weekly schedule. Sweat level 6/10

Full Body Bands - Arm Focused - the second full body of the week, which means we are hitting those lowers and uppers one more time! Our focus in this class will be full-body power and strength, emphasizing arms and abs with lots of fun combo exercises! Sweat level 7/10

Notes—We understand the requests for shorter workouts (25-30 minutes). However, we need the additional time to fit in everything we need for a balanced workout, with warm-up and cool-down. If you only have 25-30 minutes (I had a baby not so long ago, I get it!!), we recommend skipping the last circuit and cool-down and catching up on a stretch later in the day! 

If you prefer a longer workout, please try the shorter ones, select heavier weights, and push yourself. If we are doing our job and you are choosing the correct weights, 35-40 minutes of heavy weights should be plenty to target the muscles in session effectively. You can always add a shorter cardio recording before the class or jump on a treadmill or bike beforehand. Use it as an opportunity to get more steps as well! I used to be someone who only did 50-60-minute workouts, but since then, I've learned that there is a difference between working out to build lean muscle and working out just to get yourself tired! 35-40 minutes is the sweet spot for an effective strength workout - once again, pair it with some cardio before or after if you want! 

Suggested Schedules

2X per week - both Full Body classes OR Glutes & Core & Upper Body

3X per week - Glutes & Core, Upper Body & either of the Full Body OR both Full Body classes and Sculpt & Flow

4X per week - Glutes & Core, Upper Body, and both Full Body classes OR Glutes & Core, Upper Body, Full Body and Sculpt & Flow (&/or pilates)

5X per week - Glutes & Core, Upper Body, both Full Body classes and Sculpt & Flow or Pilates

6X per week - Glutes & Core, Upper Body, both Full Body classes, Sculpt & Flow or Pilates

While we encourage at least two rest days, since the Core Pilates can be considered an active rest day, you can complete all of our weekly classes and have enough recovery time. Of course, everybody is different, so monitor how you feel. 

If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

We appreciate your openness to new things and honest feedback throughout the process. 

Lots of love, 

Coach Jojo




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